Are you looking to recruit talent?

Do you need to hire a professional in the ICT sector? At Tokio School we connect companies with the profiles that best suit their needs. Our students have a high level of specialised training and are ready to start their professional careers.

Contact us

Tokio & Co.

More than 3,000 companies already work with us. We all have a common goal: to promote talent and quality employment in the new technologies sector.

Why do they hire our students

Digital Samurai

Our students finish their training with real projects that put their skills and learning to the test.

Specialised training

Our trainers are renowned workers in the sector. We teach the profession from the inside.


Our school is always ahead of the game and that's why our training is constantly updated.

What can we do for your company?

We connect companies and professionals looking for the profiles that best suit each need through our Tokio Net.
Our students, at the end of their training, are prepared to carry out 60 to 300 hours of quality internships related to the studies in which they have been trained.
Offer us advertising partnerships. Our marketing team will contact you for insertions or other types of collaborations.
Tell us how we can help your company and we will put our professional and training expertise at your service.
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Juan Sánchez. CEO de Repsol

Collaborate with Tokio

Do you want to find the perfect profile for your company, contact us for advertising, or any other kind of collaboration? Whatever you are looking for, fill in this form and we will help you find it.